Kulcsár Hajnal

Házipatika – the market-leading health and lifestyle portal

HáziPatika.com, launched in 1999, is Hungary’s largest and most visited thematic health portal. From the very beginning, the aim of the unbeaten brand in terms of authenticity was to deliver current and professionally authentic information related to health and a healthy lifestyle primarily to non-professional readers. At the same time, content related to lifestyle and health awareness also received an increasing focus, thanks to which the site’s audience became younger, and the 18-29-year-old reader base grew. Today, the site is visited by 240,000 daily and 2.2 million unique monthly visitors, while the HáziPatika.com community is outstanding in the social space as well: 353,000 people follow the site’s content on Facebook, 60,000 on Viber, and 11,000 on Instagram. (Source: DKT Gemius).

After 23 years, HáziPatika.com has been renewed, and not only has the site changed externally (it has become cleaner and more transparent), but visitors can also come across new content (for example, more personal stories in addition to doctor portraits and in-depth interviews). On the renewed site, we welcome those interested with daily updated health content, nearly 70,000 articles, 755 disease descriptions, and 13,000 medicine leaflets. In addition to the article content, useful functions such as health databases, tests, detailed descriptions of examinations, a laboratory result interpreter and an innovative doctor booking system are also available.


Facebook followers

Instagram followers

Source: Facebook, Instagram, September 2020.
