Péter Cseri wrote a report about a severely visually impaired couple with one child.
In May the reporter-editor of our newspaper, Péter Cseri, won the “Média a Családért” award for his riport entitled “Ha maguk vakok, nem kutyát kéne inkább nevelniük gyerek helyett?” (“Being blind, do not you think that you should raise a dog instead of a child?)
The article is about the Pál family living in Kőbánya. Zsolt Pál and his wife Szilvia Pál are severely visually impaired people. Zsolt and Szilvia lost their vision in their young adult age due to a brain tumour and damage to the optic nerve. They have known each other for almost twenty years and have been rearing their child, the perfectly healthy, Felix for almost five years. The parents were strongly warned not to have a child because of their disability. Szilvia and Zsolt did not plan a child, however, when it turned out unexpectedly they did not hesitate for a second. The report shows how unusual and complicated their every-day life but at the same time conventional in the Pál family.
The purpose of the “Média a Családért” (Media for the Family) award is to highlight the importance of the fact that the role of families should be just as accentuated in the media as in real life. Printed and online published articles, radio and television programs providing information, strength and support for choosing a partner, commitment, family planning, problem-solving and for a happy life in the family are also given awards.
Among pieces of work nominated for the prize, special importance is given to the topics of the commitment in a relationship protection of marriages, prevention of divorces, the “secret” of well-functioning families, parenthood, adoption of a child, successful coexistence of generations, child rearing, the social role of families’ integrity. When prizes are awarded, priority is given to the question whether important messages have reached the age groups and people with values who rarely encounter family-friendly attitudes or do not consider family-related values important whatsoever.
The annual award with a cash prize of 500 000 HUF goes to one of the candidates selected by the jury every month.