Nők Lapja Évszakok

Akovács Éva

Editor-in-chief of Nők Lapja Seasons

Nők Lapja Seasons (Évszakok) is a special issue that truly creates value. Reading never goes out of style. Culture and knowledge always remain highly valuable. The magazine features the traditional structure of women’s magazines with sections on fashion, health and beauty care, but with unique and stylish layout, design and photographs to make you feel that you are reading a book and not a magazine.

Articles by well-known contemporary writers, such as Schäffer Erzsébet, Karafiáth Orsolya, Grecsó Krisztián, Réz András, and Veiszer Alinda, are well worth retaining. We are proud of our photo series published every month that present well-known personalities in quite unusual situations. The interviews in the magazine are deep and detailed, with intimate atmosphere – just like a conversation with a friend.

readers per quarterly

Source: Kantar Hoffmann Kft. NOK readership survey Q1 to Q4 2017
