Ten years is a long time and means a lot of changes not only in the life of humans but also in the life of magazines. The first issue of the Hungarian edition of Marie Claire was published in April 2007, and hopefully there are many loyal readers who have read the magazine every month since that day. The first issue looked slightly different than today’s jubilee issue, but that is something to be expected.

The Hungarian edition of Marie Claire has followed the trends, and the layout, design and content have been adapted to correspond to the current fashion trends. But the values and principles of the magazine remained unchanged. The magazine has remained loyal to the spirit of Marie-Claire Mendès France.

She always fought for women’s rights and human rights, and she supported the victims of violence and oppression and those in need. All international editions of the magazine, including the Hungarian edition, focus on social and political issues, giving readers current events news in context and embracing a more diverse range of voices – besides, of course, fashion and beauty articles and exciting reading materials. That is what makes Marie Claire different from other women’s magazines.

The Hungarian edition of Marie Claire is member of the international Marie Claire magazine group. The magazine is published in 33 countries, in 18 languages, reaching 21 million women every month.

The cover girl on the cover of the 10-year jubilee issue is Axente Vanessa, one of the most successful Hungarian models of the young model generation worldwide. Vanessa regularly appears in fashion campaigns of large international brands and on the cover of Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, but now she reveals something from her personal life: she invited our staff to the Child Development Center in Győr, where she regularly works with children in her free time.

In the last 10 years, a total of 20 Hungarian celebrities appeared on the cover of the Hungarian edition of Marie Claire. All of them, besides being famous and beautiful, represent values that resonate with Marie Claire readers. In this special jubilee issue, ten of them – Bombera Kriszta, Cseke Eszter, Dobó Kata, Ebergényi Réka, Epres Panni, Görög Zita, Gryllus Dorka, Hámori Gabi, Marozsán Erika, Ónodi Eszter – appear on a group photo and talk about what happened with them in the last 10 years.

The Hungarian Marie Claire is committed to support young Hungarian fashion designers. Therefore accessories made by 10 Hungarian designers are bagged with the 10-year jubilee issue of the magazine.

