Nők Lapja

Akovács Éva

Editor-in-chief of Nők Lapja

Nők Lapja is a unique phenomenon not only in Hungary, but also in the international media market. Nők Lapja is our oldest, largest weekly newspaper. It’s no coincidence, as it’s made by authentic, honest and well-prepared journalists. A real, multi-generational magazine. Among the entertainment, service providers and serious-sounding articles, every member of the family will find interesting reads. Many of us grew up with Nők Lapja as the point of alignment. We saw our mom and grandmother reading it too. And the fact that we continued this line, could have happened because the magazine has been appearing in vain since the 1940s, it is still fresh and current today. It is constantly renewed and, working as a journalism workshop, always teaches more and more authors of the journalistic work.


readers per week

Facebook followers

Source: Kantar Hoffmann Kft. NOK readership survey Q1 to Q4 2017
Source: Facebook, April 2018
